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Ebook Installation Instructions :

(1.) Prepare to properly view Ebook : Unlock the task bar, located @ the bottom of the Windows operating system. Also, change monitor display settings : Start Menu > Control Panel > Appearance > Screen Resolution Size > 1024 x 768 > Landscape >
( If available, choose small text—This feature is located below the screen resolution settings ). Restart PC to apply new settings.
(2.) After PC-restart, save downloaded .exe file to My Documents folder ( or to an external storage device, if you prefer— i.e., USB key ).
(3.) Right-click onto .exe file ( for options ) . . .
(4.) Choose : Run As Administrator
(5.) PC will ask you to verify new downloaded file . . .
(6.) Software license agreement appears > Read > Install ( Ebook appears ) ! ! !

NOTE : Installed File Location = Start Menu > Program Files > Ebooks

Folder = 2 Files :

1.) Ebook
2.) Uninstall Ebook

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