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B.K. Butler Tube Driver :

B.K. Butler Tube Driver
Concept & Design : B.K. Butler

The Tube Driver is a tube-driven Overdrive effects pedal, originally voiced to emulate Billy Gibbons’ TONE (guitarist, ZZ Top fame)—i.e. song, “Tush”. Nonetheless.. Eric Johnson also created his signature “violin” sound, which includes a Tube Driver effects pedal as well. Likewise.. David Gilmour, Joe Satriani + a legion of other admiring pro musicians—ultimately, toward their individual quest for ideal TONE.

B.K. Butler Tube Driver (Circuit View)
Hand-Built : B.K. Butler


The unit is MASSIVE in both size and weight—in part, such necessary to provide ample ventilation for its circuit—including its relative, preamplifier tube (valve). Ultimately, the Tube Driver (Overdrive) effects pedal is intended to provide the touring professional greater security regarding both reliability and TONE. Nonetheless, valves (vacuum tubes) vary in quality AND are manufactured to include a glass enclosure—e.g., fragile. Tip : Good practice having spare(s). Some sonic  differences among valves vs. op-amps (ICs) vs. transistors, is valves produce greater dimension + exceptionally-smooth gain (distortion). Whereas, ICs and transistors produce tighter overall response—e.g., lower frequency-range.

Preamplifier Tubes (Valves)
Left, originally-equipped preamp tube

Circuit “Mod” :

The Tube Driver’s originally-equipped (and GREAT-sounding) preamplifier tube is the Ruby 12AX7AC5 HG. Nonetheless.. for sake of experiment, I purchased two (2) Tube Driver units. The “lesser” of the pair, having substituted its original manufacturer-installed 12AX7 for ECC83 (initially, installed in my Marshall “plexi”). Overall response in touch, ECC83 produces greater amounts of “sag” (as it were). Otherwise regarding sound, greater amounts of gain—in a “British” sort of way.

Nonetheless.. regarding this particular application, white noise (hiss) became an issue.

Solution : Insert a noise gate  device (e.g., TC Electronic Sentry) into the signal-chain of effects. Moreover, last in-line to amp’s main input; ultimately, resulting in massive noise reduction-level (increased/ improved dynamic range).

THIS demo also, included :

* Guitar : Fender 1970s reissue Stratocaster.
* Guitar “amplifier” : Line 6 HD Pro modeler : Personally-crafted preset SOUND, based on a Marshall 1987x. (Circa 1972, MkII 50w Lead TONE.)

B.K. Butler Tube Driver (+ Bias Control)
Custom Feature : Variable “Bias” Control

NOTE : B.K. Butler manufactures two (2) versions of the Tube Driver (Overdrive) effects pedal : Standard model & one, featuring a (variable) “bias” control located near the I/O jacks. In this manner, controlling the degree of electrical current flowing thru the preamplifier tube. This particular user-control, provided for refining overall sonic character.







Otherwise NOT of any concern to my readers, I’m suggested to include the words “effects pedals” @ least one (1) more time on this particular web page to help gain an optimal SEO (Search Engine Optimization) score. There, I just did. OK, now let’s move-on..




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This Website :

The intention of is to provide a reference resource; virtually sharing my gear collection, so that readers are made greater-aware of particularly good-sounding (and, in some instances), potentially collectible effects pedals. Otherwise, to also help those whom might benefit from my recording/ engineering techniques. Ultimately, as I continue to build and design this site, I will gradually introduce additional collection-based content—e.g. blog posts, image galleries, audio, video, and official manufacturer web links for your convenience. The information provided herein, is based upon biased opinion. Please, do your own research.

Ebooks :

Later . . I will offer for sale Part 1 of a series of self-authored eBooks, in relation to fuzz effects pedals; subsequently, also offering additional volumes regarding other effects types—boost, overdrive, distortion, etc—all via my private, independent collection. Moreover, these “tomes of tone” will include audio examples, color images, (in most cases) close-up circuit views, and generalized spec. information. Otherwise, said eBooks regarding fuzz effects pedals will additionally incl. generalized historical information as well. For details, please read this site’s eBook advertisement page.

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