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Effects-Chain Sequence Image


Pedal-Chain Order :

A sequential order of effects pedals placed in-line  of one-another, is called a “chain”. Some experimentation is involved; listen to how such effects your overall musical tonality. For example, many guitarists (including myself) prefer a wah pedal to be inserted first. Essentially, the nature of this effect produces a rather intense audio signal which would otherwise be too-intense when placed further-down in sequence; a matter of personal preference/ subjectivity.

Likewise, pedals placed in a guitar amplifier’s effects loop (if provided). This is a feature intended for particular effects types—generally, time-based effects : reverb, delay, flanger, chorus. These units are to be added independently of those in-line  of the guitar amplifier’s main instrument input. As such, effects remain clean/ linear/ non-distorted—unaffected by gain effects : boost, overdrive, distortion, FUZZ : )

Note : IMO, having more than enough (analog) effects units employed for any one (1) particular application will “begin” to sound progressively-weak. One may employ a buffer  unit inserted @ the end of their chain to help provide a solution to this issue? Personally, less is more—as when playing music, I’d rather focus on which notes to reach for. But, I digress.


The following sequential order of effects pedals placed in-line, is one personal example :

(Directional signal flow = guitar > effects > amplifier).


Effects-Chain Sequence Graphic






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This Website :

The intention of is to provide a reference resource; virtually sharing my gear collection, so that readers are made greater-aware of particularly good-sounding (and, in some instances), potentially collectible effects pedals. Otherwise, to also help those whom might benefit from my recording/ engineering techniques. Ultimately, as I continue to build and design this site, I will gradually introduce additional collection-based content—e.g. blog posts, image galleries, audio, video, and official manufacturer web links for your convenience. The information provided herein, is based upon biased opinion. Please, do your own research.

Ebooks :

Later . . I will offer for sale Part 1 of a series of self-authored eBooks, in relation to fuzz effects pedals; subsequently, also offering additional volumes regarding other effects types—boost, overdrive, distortion, etc—all via my private, independent collection. Moreover, these “tomes of tone” will include audio examples, color images, (in most cases) close-up circuit views, and generalized spec. information. Otherwise, said eBooks regarding fuzz effects pedals will additionally incl. generalized historical information as well. For details, please read this site’s eBook advertisement page.

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Product names, trademarks, and artists’ names (incl. the names of builders and designers) referred to, and/ or depicted herein are the property of their respective owners, which are in NO way associated or affiliated with Said, names and trademarks are used solely to identify products whose sounds were studied during the audio production efforts for this reference resource. The use of said, names and trademarks does NOT imply any cooperation or endorsement. NO copyright, nor trademark infringement intended. Any errors, omissions or variations in the subject-matter details are unintentional.

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