Fender Squire Vintage-Mod. Jazz Bass
Fender Squire Vintage-Mod. Jazz Bass

When I was just 6 years young (1973), I was mesmerized by something that I had never seen . . as well, in a place I had never been before : the electric bass guitar in a musical instrument store—specifically, a brand new Fender Jazz Bass; complete with a natural ash finish, block inlays, and chrome pickup/ bridge covers. Though I did not know what it was, I was intrigued by it’s beauty. My next visit to a music store had also, brought to my attention the bass guitar—as if there were no other instruments upon display. By this time, I wanted to own one; but for some reason, the salesman there suggested to my mother that I first learn to play the guitar. This is not what I wanted to hear! As result, I left the music store with a frustrated yearning to play the bass—and subsequently, the theme song to the Brady Bunch (ending episode credits/ season # 3).

Gibson Les Paul "Custom Jr."
Gibson Les Paul “Custom Jr.”

By the time I was 14 years old, I began to favor the electric guitar—specifically, a Gibson Les Paul—mainly, due to the influence of Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin fame). As result, I was obsessed with the instrument; as I would then, practice for 8 hours per day (every day)! At that point in my adolescent mind, I thought . . “Who needs college? I’m going to be a musician!” I would thus skip school, so that I could play along with Led Zeppelin recordings. In so-doing, I began to notice that whenever I had jammed with fellow high school musicians, I was “miles ahead” of them. The only alternative, it seemed, was to record my own music; ultimately becoming a self-appointed, independent music producer.


This Website :

The intention of fuzz-effect-sounds-and-more.com is to provide a reference resource; virtually sharing my gear collection, so that readers are made greater-aware of particularly good-sounding (and, in some instances), potentially collectible effects pedals. Otherwise, to also help those whom might benefit from my recording/ engineering techniques. Ultimately, as I continue to build and design this site, I will gradually introduce additional collection-based content—such as blog posts, image galleries, audio, video, and official manufacturer web links for your convenience. The information provided herein, is based upon biased opinion. Please, do your own research.

Ebooks :

Later . . I will offer for sale Part 1 of a series of self-authored eBooks, in relation to fuzz effects pedals; subsequently, also offering additional volumes regarding other effects types—boost, overdrive, distortion, etc—all via my private, independent collection. Moreover, these tomes of tone will include audio examples, color images, (in most cases) close-up circuit views, and generalized spec. information. Otherwise, said eBooks regarding fuzz effects pedals will additionally incl. generalized historical information as well. For details, please read this site’s eBook advertisement page.

THANKS for your interest of fuzz-effect-sounds-and-more.com

– Michael.


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Product names, trademarks, and artists’ names (incl. the names of builders and designers) referred to, and/ or depicted herein are the property of their respective owners, which are in NO way associated or affiliated with fuzz-effect-sounds-and-more.com. Said, names and trademarks are used solely to identify products whose sounds were studied during the audio production efforts for this reference resource. The use of said, names and trademarks does NOT imply any cooperation or endorsement. NO copyright, nor trademark infringement intended. Any errors, omissions or variations in the subject-matter details are unintentional.

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EXTERNAL web links are provided as a convenience, and for informational purposes only; they do NOT constitute an endorsement or an approval by fuzz-effect-sounds-and-more.com of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. fuzz-effect-sounds-and-more.com bears NO responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

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