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Tube Screamer Overdrive Pro/ TS808 :

Ibanez TS808 (standard reissue) effects pedal
Standard Reissue TS808

Ibanez has a LONG, reputable history in the musical instrument business—guitars & related musical devices. In part, w/ regard to sound processing (circa 1974), the company has produced a line of (largely) GREAT-sounding effects pedals. I myself, own a few—including, the original (reissue) TS-808 Tube Screamer Overdrive Pro. (Collectible/ rare 1979 iteration, as outlined below.)

Essentially, the “TS” was of the FIRST smooth-voiced Overdrive effects pedals to enter the commercial market. What set it apart from other makes of Overdrive, was its inherent mid-range frequency boost; ultimately, such helps place a guitarist prominently within a sound-mix. 2-for-1 : With Overdrive control set @ minimum (“bypassed”), adjust unit’s Level and Tone controls to alternatively function as a Boost effect : ) Otherwise, maximum range of Overdrive places (any stock) Tube Screamer in the low-to-mid gain (“distortion”) category. Nonetheless, the previous (1979) iteration is built to employ a DIFFERENT integrated circuit (IC) which produces the same essential TONE, yet (a bit) higher in gain. Read on, to learn more..

1979 reissue TS-808 :

35th Anniversary (1979) TS-808 Tube Screamer Overdrive Pro effects pedal
1979 Reissue TS-808

Both, the original AND the 35th Anniversary reissue TS-808 effects pedals share the same overall circuit; otherwise, differing via a particular component called an operational amplifier (op-amp). Ultimately, such is that of an integrated circuit chip. In this application, providing greater performance-stability & smoother-sound as compared w/ a transistor.

Product-recognition : Eric Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughan and so many others have employed a TS-808 to great.. effect.

Nonetheless, this “old-school” tone may NOT be for everyone. Likewise, its inherent mid-range frequency boost may be off-putting as well. Ultimately, the intention here is to boost an OVERDRIVEN guitar amplifier’s main input stage. Thus by relativity, increasing gain/ sustain to help facilitate longer-lasting (“singing”) musical notes.

Incidentally.. I don’t adhere to general opinion of the Tube Screamer having become “cliche”, as such compliments the TONE of my Fender Stratocaster guitar. (Rhythm pickup, selected.) Guitar output fed into the Line 6 POD HD Pro modeling processor—of which, I access (personally-crafted) amplifier SOUNDS based on popular designs. In example, a custom hybrid : Marshall 50w MkII amplifier x Fender Deluxe Reverb speaker cabinet (housing 1 x 12″ Jensen loudspeaker). But, I digress : )


Visual Distinctions, 1979 “European” Version :

Ibanez Tube Screamer effects pedal
Ibanez “Flying Fingers” Graphic Art

* Darker green finish
* “Flying Fingers” graphic (sides)
* Text placed ABOVE knobs
* Volume control labeled, Balance (as oppose, to Level)
* Dash/ hyphen, placed as follows : TS-808 (1980 iteration : TS808)
* Subtitle, “Overdrive Pro TS808”, extends entire length of “Tube Screamer”
* Text not OVER-spaced between “Pro” & “TS”
* Narrower enclosure (width)
* Larger engage (On/ Off) switch
* Side-mounted power jack
* Extended/ protruding I/O jacks





Otherwise NOT of any concern to my readers, I’m suggested to include the words “effects pedals” @ least 5x on this particular web page to help gain an optimal SEO (Search Engine Optimization) score : effects pedals, effects pedals, effects pedals, effects pedals, effects pedals. OK, now let’s move-on..




Ibanez OD-850 :

Ibanez 850 Overdrive effects pedal
FUZZ in disguise !

The Tube Screamer was NOT the first effects pedal labeled “Overdrive” in the Ibanez product-line. Enter a particular model, simply called “Overdrive”. Oddly, this circuit produces a FUZZ effect : ) More specifically, akin to a refined-sounding (v1) Big Muff Pi. 1974 was its original release date and in 2016, a LIMITED-edition reissue.

Fulltone Full-Drive 2 :

Fulltone FullDrive2 effects pedal
1990s “Boutique”

ONE of the original 1990s-era Boutique (small/ independent, handmade product) companies, was Fulltone Custom Effects, USA—and.. a particular effects pedal of theirs (IMO), was intended to be the ideal sonic “improvement” over a Tube Screamer TS-808 Overdrive Pro.

After the success of Stevie Ray Vaughan (SRV), seemingly “everyone” desired the original (JRC4558D-equipped) Tube Screamer effects pedal (either model, TS-808/ 9); though.. not everyone could afford the exorbitant price, included w/ such collectible status. As result, affordable alternatives among (commercially-minded) independent builders—including, Michael Fuller (again, Fulltone)—was to essentially “improve” upon vintage circuits; thus, offering “affordable” alternatives. (VARIANTS of a practical nature, not clones.)

Unit pictured, left (manufactured in 1998 w/ non-original control knobs), is also Fuller’s most-popular iteration—presumably, for its pronounced mid-frequency character (as compared, to subsequent iterations). Interesting note : The most COLLECTIBLE Full-Drive model is.. the BASS version. (ORANGE finish, v1.)

Little-Bear Tube Drive G1 :

Little-Bear G1 effects pedal
SOME assembly, required

The original (Douk Audio/ Nobsound) Little-Bear Tube Drive G1 is NOT an effects pedal, though more of a traditional-style effects processor. (Interesting.) JRC4558D-equipped, its circuit ALSO incorporates a preamplifier tube as well. Is this the ultimate “Tube Screamer?” Incidentally, I purchased this particular unit as a partially-assembled kit. ( NO soldering, required : )

* Boutique TS-808 variant (not a clone)
* JRC4558D integrated circuit/ IC (op-amp)
* “926-J” preamp tube (???)
* Warmest sound
* Softest touch/ smoothest TONE
* Ample amount of output + gain (distortion)
* True Bypass (On/ Off) switching. As result, natural/ uncolored guitar sound remains intact




Preamplifier Tube Comparison :

Preamp Tubes (Valves)
Choice Alternatives

Stock-equipped preamplifier tube is labeled, 926 (side) and letter “J” (top). For this article, we’ll assume it’s “926-J”. Never, have I learned of this particular electron tube. (But then again, I’m NO expert regarding the subject of tubes/ valves.) Nonetheless, the TONE it produces (regarding, G1 circuit) is that of extremely-smooth harmonic (musical) distortion. Descriptives also include : Greater dimension, sonic detail & warmth. After having compared tube, 926-J, w/ other TONEFUL alternatives (12AX7 & ECC83), 926-J = smooth gain (distortion); ECC83 = higher gain/ edgier-sounding; 12AX7 = less gain + cleaner, warmer TONE. IMO, 926-J better-enhances the overall sound of an “808” circuit.

TONE comparisons of the following JRC-equipped devices :

Standard TS-808 :

* Reissue of a TONE heard on SO many recordings
* JRC4558D IC/ integrated circuit (op-amp)
* Overall, softer (“creamier”) sound—as compared, to TS-808/ 35th Ann.
* NON-True Bypass (On/ Off) switching. As result, coloring (effecting) the guitar’s natural sound when disengaged (Off)

TS-808/ 35th Anniversary :

* 2014, hand-made (in Japan) reproduction of THE most-collectible (1-year run) 1979 iteration
* Limited Edition : 1,500 units exported to USA
* 2 x 1458 IC/ integrated circuit chips (op-amps)
* Slightly less smooth-sounding, as compared to Standard edition
* Greater amount of gain (distortion)
* NON-True Bypass (On/ Off) switching. As result, coloring (effecting) the guitar’s natural sound when disengaged (Off)

Full-Drive 2 :

* Arguably, boutique TS-808 variant (not a clone)
* JRC4558D IC/ integrated circuit (op-amp)
* Increased treble & bass. Mid-range, somewhat less-dominating
* Greater amount of gain (distortion), as compared to TS-808/35th Ann.
* Compression-Cut feature/ option (removes TS808-like compression effects)
* Overall, softer touch + fuller sound
* True Bypass (On/ Off) switching. As result, natural/ uncolored guitar sound remains intact

Little-Bear (Tube Drive) G1 :

* Arguably, boutique TS-808 variant (not a clone)
* JRC4558D IC/ integrated circuit (op-amp)
* “926-J” preamplifier tube
* Softest touch
* Warmest sound
* Smoothest TONE
* Greatest amount of gain (distortion)
* True Bypass (On/ Off) switching. As result, natural/ uncolored guitar sound remains intact


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This Website :

The intention of is to provide a reference resource; virtually sharing my gear collection, so that readers are made greater-aware of particularly good-sounding (and, in some instances), potentially collectible effects pedals. Otherwise, to also help those whom might benefit from my recording/ engineering techniques. Ultimately, as I continue to build and design this site, I will gradually introduce additional collection-based content—e.g. blog posts, image galleries, audio, video, and official manufacturer web links for your convenience. The information provided herein, is based upon biased opinion. Please, do your own research.

Ebooks :

Later . . I will offer for sale Part 1 of a series of self-authored eBooks, in relation to fuzz effects pedals; subsequently, also offering additional volumes regarding other effects types—boost, overdrive, distortion, etc—all via my private, independent collection. Moreover, these “tomes of tone” will include audio examples, color images, (in most cases) close-up circuit views, and generalized spec. information. Otherwise, said eBooks regarding fuzz effects pedals will additionally incl. generalized historical information as well. For details, please read this site’s eBook advertisement page.

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